What we do


At the heart of the NW24 Partnership are three key groups: the Heads, Business Managers and Governors. Heads and Business Managers groups each meet 6 times per year, Governors less frequently but in response to demand and availability.

These networks provide invaluable support, professional development and information sharing. We often invite guests to present or discuss issues with us, and through these meetings we engage directly with Bristol local education authority.

An essential item on the agenda for every meeting is the "temperature gauge". This is where we check in on our members and look out for any signs of vulnerability or need for support. Leading a school can feel like a very lonely business, and it is at times of greatest stress that leaders can turn their attention inwards. Our aim is to make sure that all of our colleagues receive encouragement and support when they need it.

We also facilitate networks for SENDCos, Pupil Premium leads and Curriculum Subjects.

Annual inset day training for staff and governors in NW24

This has become the largest scale event of our calendar.

Schools choose from a menu of workshops and presentations designed to meet the needs of all tiers of school staff and governors. Some sessions are delivered by "big-hitters" - nationally recognised leaders in their field; others by local leaders of education and others by practitioners working in our schools. Our partnership subscription subsidises the INSET day and our collective purchasing power means that we are able to offer these courses at an incredibly competitive rate to our members.

One of the benefits of the NW24 INSET day is being able to bring together colleagues from our schools, to build connections, to share and collaborate and make friends. For the first time in 2021, due to the pandemic, it was delivered entirely remotely. All of our staff and governors were able to participate using online technology.

Student events throughout the year

NW24 offers opportunities for our students to participate in inter-school events and competitions including...

The Annual Spelling Bee

The Maths Challenge

Inter-School Bake-Off

Writing and Art competitions

Big Sports Day

Agents of Change

Annual conference

Every year we bring together school leaders, business managers and governors to share good practice and develop new plans. Focusing on the goals which we have collectively identified in our school development plans, the conference enables us to work collaboratively on common goals. We have focussed over the years on increasing pupil representation and participation; on addressing the impact of disadvantage on pupil outcomes; and on developing a meaningful and relevant curriculum offer for all children.

Liaising with the local authority

Since the academisation programme began, Bristol has been a city that has seen a considerable diversification in its school system. The city has neither encouraged or discouraged schools from becoming academies or joining trusts but has rather embraced the diversity, fostering relationships with the growing number of Multi Academy Trusts.

NW24 is a unique partnership, in that it aims to represent all of the schools serving an area of the city, regardless of whether they are academies or LA maintained. We speak on behalf of all the children who live in our part of the city.

The size of our partnership means that we can from strong working relationships with all of our members. The commitment we make to each other means that we can be sure that we truly represent everyone's interests. Therefore our voice is valued by the local authority.